Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ferry Date

When a beautiful Saturday comes upon us, I can't stand spending it inside.  I've been wanting to take Kinsey on a ferry ride for quite some time, and have been scoping out the routes as I occasionally ride them for work.  As it turns out, Bainbridge Island has a cute little downtown, and is a nice 35 min. ride from Seattle.  So, we loaded up for a Ferry Date!

And, what fun is a Ferry Date without some photography time!?!  On the way over I used the time to continue to hone my skills with exposure and lighting.  I wanted to get better at one of Kinsey's favorite type of shots, the sunflare, she likes to call it. 

Once we got there, we began out little walk and found a cute harbor beach that no one was on (come to find out later it is probably because the mud was three inches deep due to low tide:).  But, it did provide a shot that I love because it marries three things I love, my wife, boats, and the sun.  On top of that, I liked how Kinsey's personality came through.

Thanks for critiquing me and sharpening my skills my lovely wife!


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