Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Panda's! Day 3

Finishing up last nights fun... hot pot was HOT! I am pretty sure I am going to loose a pound or two from how much I sweat at each meal. It is so good though. Several different versions of tofu I didn't know existed, and some really cool stringy mushrooms. My favorite was the cucumber! After dinner we walked around back to the apt. and stopped off for for ice cream. David convinced me that the ice cream shaped like corn was really good. I tried it. It tasted like, corn. Too bad there really aren't any nutrients in that, it would be a whole lot easier to get kids to eat their vegetables that way!
After ice cream, we headed to the large courtyard area thing. We heard there was dancing at night. Boy, was there dancing! The entire courtyard, bigger than a football field, was packed with people dancing. All different kinds of dancing and people learning to dance. Some very interesting styles and moves. I think my mouth was wide open for a couple minutes. David, he jumped right in and started dancing. Fit right in! Several people stopped in front of me to pose for a picture. At first I put my camera down, embarrassed that they thought I was trying to take a picture of them, but when they stood there- smiling and waving, waiting... I realized they wanted a picture taken. A whole family stopped and held up there son, then ran over to look at the picture. It was the highlight of my day!
Today, we went to the Panda Reserve. Our driver gave us a personal tour of the facilities, he said his wife worked there, and fed the panda's. We got there early so they were pretty active. I even got to hold a Red Panda! (hence the button in the picture below). I didn't realize until later, how dangerous that actually was. But, anything for a picture, right?!!
After the panda's we went to a very laaaarge wholesale market. Unlike anything I have ever seen. I don't even know how to describe it....
When we got home after that, we took one of our little friends to get our hair washed. For $2.50 I got a 15 minute head massage, shampoo and conditioned, a little back massage, my ears cleaned (bonus!) and a blow dry. Woot! David got a haircut, but the only trimmed the sides, not the top, so he has a puffy afro.
I tried some cucumber flavored potato chips... taste like, cucumbers. There's also blueberry flavored, cherry red tomato, and some other spicy flavor... anyone want some interesting chips as a souvenir?
Below is a picture of our freshly washed hair, panda souvenir, and a view from our room.


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